Interview Interview of Husain Zamin : Sikandar of Madhu MuskaanNitin SinghJanuary 20, 2018April 7, 2018 by Nitin SinghJanuary 20, 2018April 7, 201805308 आज हम अपने पाठको के लिए लेकर आये हैं Comics जगत के दिग्गज आर्टिस्ट Husain Zamin जी का Exclusive Interview., बचपन में जब कभी मैं उनके चित्रांकन...
Origins Dark Tales : Darker and Grittier stories from Manoj ComicsAbhilash Ashok MendeSeptember 18, 2016April 7, 2018 by Abhilash Ashok MendeSeptember 18, 2016April 7, 201803388 Back in the 90’s Manoj Comics came up with a series which transcended the barriers of traditional comic stories and were way ahead of their...
Origins Angara : The Forgotten Hero of the Glorious 90’sAbhilash Ashok MendeSeptember 9, 2016April 7, 2018 by Abhilash Ashok MendeSeptember 9, 2016April 7, 201804991 It has been more than a decade since several of the comic book companies folded, leaving us only with Diamond and Raj Comics. Tulsi Comics...
Origins Manoj Comics : Real gems of collector’s shelfAbhilash Ashok MendeSeptember 5, 2016April 7, 2018 by Abhilash Ashok MendeSeptember 5, 2016April 7, 201816847 Remember the Golden Age of Indian comics, way back in the 90s, when 3 of the biggest comic book publishers in India used to compete...
ComicsFun Facts Possible Alternate Careers for Indian Comic CharactersMohit Sharma TrendsterAugust 9, 2016April 7, 2018 by Mohit Sharma TrendsterAugust 9, 2016April 7, 201803230 कोई व्यक्ति किस क्षेत्र में अपनी रोज़ी-रोटी अर्जित करेगा यह उसकी परवरिश के साथ-साथ भाग्य पर निर्भर करता है। कभी-कभी तो वर्षो तक किसी क्षेत्र...