The Last of Us Part 2 is a direct sequel to Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us which came out in 2013. In this last of us part 2 review, we’ll take a look at the story, gameplay and mechanics of the Last of Us 2. And we’ll focus on the The Last of Us Part 2 solely as a video game.
Setting of the The Last of Us Part 2 is similar to that of the first game. Players enter a world devastated by a disease that turns people into mindless and aggressive monsters which has led to the collapse of civilization. And they agreed upon rules of society dealing with disease and famine. Survivors have fragmented into tribalist groups that distrust strangers and are quick to execute their own justice.
The Last of Us Part 2 begins several years after the events of the original with a mostly grown-up Ellie and a much clear Joel. They’ve settled in Jackson, a small town ran by Tommy Joel’s brother and his wife. And life seems to have found a way to carry on. Despite the best efforts of the ravaging virus. Things take a rather hard turn early in the game, when Joel is killed by a newly introduced character Abbie, whose motivations for hating Joel are not initially explained.
The Last of Us Part 2 is thus set up to be a revenge movie from that point forward. All of John wick are taken but unlike those movies, the revenge almost never feel satisfied. This is mostly because the game suffers from huge pacing issues where large stretches of the game just drag on with no real meaningful plot progression or action.
About a quarter of the game is focused simply on setting up the plot for the next game. In conclusion, the game’s story leaves the player feeling nearly exhausted. The Last of Us 2 – for all intents and purposes is the same as the Last of Us.
There are little caveats like being able to dodge attacks and melee or crawl prone on the ground but the meat of it is exactly the same. This should be good news for players as the gameplay. The Last of Us one was great and the Last of Us 2 – is solid as well.
There are also new skill lines to unlock with both A B and that allow you to focus on different styles of play. And now there is also an ng+ mode where you’ll be able to use what you’ve unlocked.