Origins Origin of The Phantom : For those who came lateKishan HarchandaniFebruary 1, 2018April 7, 2018 by Kishan HarchandaniFebruary 1, 2018April 7, 201803755 The Phantom की कहानी Phan Tom की ज़ुबानी। कॉमिक की काल्पनिक दुनिया में The Phantom कहां से आया और कैसे आया। अपनी कॉमिक में दिखाया कि 1516...
Origins Spawn : 25 Years of Supernatural Antihero from HellJonathan UptonJune 23, 2017April 7, 2018 by Jonathan UptonJune 23, 2017April 7, 201803408 Spawn is a fictional antihero, character Created by McFarlane that appears in a monthly comic book named after him published by Comics. The character made its first appearance in Spawn #1...