Batman Ninja tells the story of Batman and quite a few of his friends and foes gets transported to ancient Japan through a series of events and it turns out that basically his major five enemies have become rulers of their own like small kingdoms in ancient Japan.
Now it’s up to Batman to stop them bring everyone back to present day and to save the world so that history doesn’t change.
Opening scene of Batman is transported to Japan, is really eye-popping experience to the visuals unlike any other DC animated Movies animation in recent years. The painterly art style has a real depth and nuance to it, and there’s even a bold five-minute sequence mid-movie which adopts an altogether more minimalist, distinctly Japanese animation style.
I was really excited for this film because whole film, animation and everything is done in Japan and it is an anime film but at the same time it’s Batman. That’s an idea that really intrigues me and I will say this film is amazing it actually surprised me with how much I purely enjoyed the film.
Batman Ninja is filled with great action scenes, some of them are Batman fighting The Joker’s samurai army in a forest, Sumo Bane fighting Batman in Bat-Armour, Batmobile fighting on a massive robot temple, A shootout on a boat…and that’s just the first half-hour of the movie.
One of the biggest compliments I can giveBatman Ninja is how creative it is. I don’t want to spoil anything for you but there are truly some unbelievably crazy moments in this movie and I absolutely loved them.
Creativity of bringing these characters into this ancient world was really enjoyable but it also was a very anime movie. I think people who made Batman Ninja wanted to make this a true anime movie and you see that in a ton of places in the film. I
Character designs in Batman Ninja are absolutely incredible and this has some of my favorite character designs I’ve seen in quite a while